Learn How to Hack Your Moon Cycle

In six weeks - with proven, evidence-based methods which can address the most common menstrual cycle irregularities and also boost reproductive health!


Menstrual cycle irregularities may be common, but they aren't normal.

Menstrual cycle symptoms and imbalances are a sign of overall disharmony. Traditional Chinese Medicine always looks at the menstrual cycle tendencies to understand underlying patterns. When the root cause is addressed, the menstrual cycle, and fertility health, follow suit.

If you've been diagnosed with any of the following: 


This program is designed for you!

This online program is designed to help you:


Uncover and understand your body's monthly patterns and needs


Implement specific lifestyle changes that are proven to balance your reproductive cycle


Understand ways to improve your "flow" physically as well as emotionally

The struggle is real...

But it can be resolved...

  • I used to have three month cycles - that means it that three months went by between my periods!

  • I suffered from major cramps, acne, severe PMS and anxiety, and now I know that I probably had undiagnosed PCOS.

  • The only solution I was able to find was the birth control pill - and this went on for 12 years until I found a solution that turned this nightmare into a distant memory!

  • I have since had regular cycles with mid cycle ovulation.  

  • I prepped my body to easily get pregnant with my two girls and I can help you do the same!

This is for you if you have:


✔ Been Diagnosed with Infertility

Irregular menstrual cycles


✔ Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

✔ Anovulatory Cycles

✔ Endometriosis

✔ Low Egg Quality

✔ Thin Uterine Lining

✔ Luteal Phase Defect

✔ Are trying to optimize your cycles for conception


This is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a quick fix without implementing the practices needed for the improvement of your menstrual cycle.
  • Are not ready to invest time and money in order to support your reproductive health.
  • Don't believe you can change the outcome of your reproductive health.

The question is

Do you believe you can hack your cycle?

By now, you may have tried anything and everything to get an optimal ovulatory and menstrual cycle. You have probably been prescribed the birth control pill from numerous doctors and thought, there must be a better way!

If you have found yourself thinking, "that's just the way my body is and I have to live with it"...this course is designed for you.


The Wholesome Moon: Cycle Hacking Program 

Online Program

A six week program designed to help you demystify your menstrual cycle and boost your reproductive health!

Optimize Your Cycle

No more shots in the dark!  Learn how to understand your reproductive language. Your menstrual cycle is a code for your health and it's time you unlock it!

Become Empowered

You don't have to feel like it's out of your hands because there is so much you can control! The problem is that most of us don't know where to begin. This program will help you!

Join Our Private Community

You will have access to a private community where you are able to ask me questions directly!

Fertility Hypnosis Audios

This program includes hypnosis audios which use binaural beats and are designed to improve your reproductive health and harmonize your menstrual cycle.  


Here's what you'll learn

Everything you need to achieve your goal of getting pregnant!

Module 1

Observe Your Cycle

This module covers the many different conditions that contribute to menstrual imbalances. You will also have a step by step understanding of what patterns your body is reflecting and how to recognize those patterns by charting your cycle and observing your body through the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective.

Module 2

Clean Your Cycle

This module covers endocrine disrupting toxins that can impact your cycle. You'll also get access to ancient Ayurvedic recipes and other gentle detox methods to help your body cleanse without being too harsh. And lastly, you'll learn the importance of having a clean and organized external environment because that can impact our minds which have a direct impact on our bodies!

Module 3

Feed Your Cycle

This module is super powerful and robust.  Here I go over not only what foods have been shown to support and optimize your menstrual cycle. I cover many different conditions and what to eat for each to support an optimal menstrual cycle with an optimal ovulation. 

Module 4

Supplement Your Cycle

This module de-mystifies cycle supporting supplements. I see so many women choosing the wrong supplements and that can adversely impact their cycles.This module address many different supplements and what conditions they may support. 

Module 5

Tuning Your Cycle

This module provides exercises and techniques to harness your body's innate vitality and qi (or life force).  I also teach you key reproductive acupoints to activate with unique essential oils blends in order to awaken and move your body's qi.

Module 6

Mind Your Cycle

This module is all about accessing the mind's innate power.  I go over meditations, mantras and techniques to empower you by optimizing your mind's potential in order to create flow in your mind and body.

After taking this course, you will...

  • Be able to craft a clear action plan catered to your body's unique needs based on the teachings of this course.
  • Understand how to properly track your menstrual cycle, confirm ovulation, and harmonize your cycle so that you can optimize your chances of conceiving!
  • Learn how nutrition and supplements can assist in creating harmony in your reproductive health.
  • Know key acupressure points that you can do at home to increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, calm your mind, and balance your overall well-being.
  • Take charge of your well-being and learn how specific mind techniques can help your path to reproductive health and wellness.
  • Rekindle the joy you have put on hold - because you don't deserve to suffer!
  • And much more!
Ready to learn the secret to hacking your cycle?

Pay in Full


  • Lifetime access to my signature fertility program bundled up into a 7 module online course!
  • Step by step instructions on how to unlock your own body's unique key to improve your chances of conceiving
  • Know what food and supplements are proven to help you get pregnant.
  • Become armed with mindset tools to not only impact your reproductive health, but also to empower you on your journey!
  • Bonus Fertility Yoga & Fertility Hypnosis Audios ($197 Value)
  • Bonus Recipes & Food Resources ($127 Value)
  • Bonus private FB Group Membership and support ($297 Value)

3 payments of


  • Lifetime access to my signature fertility program bundled up into a 7 module online course!
  • Step by step instructions on how to unlock your own body's unique key to improve your chances of conceiving
  • Know what food and supplements are proven to help you get pregnant.
  • Become armed with mindset tools to not only impact your reproductive health, but also to empower you on your journey!
  • Bonus Fertility Yoga & Fertility Hypnosis Audios ($197 Value)
  • Bonus Recipes & Food Resources ($127 Value)
  • Bonus private FB Group Membership and support ($297 Value)

And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

Fertility Yoga Video

You will get a bonus fertility yoga video catered to honoring your sacred cycle.  Yoga was practiced throughout centuries to improve overall vitality and well-being.

Bonus #2

Hypnosis Audios

Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that can impact our subconscious mind and our physiology.  You will get hypnosis audios which contain suggestions for improving your chances of conceiving.

Bonus #3


You will get recipes for foods that support a healthy reproductive cycle, hormone balance, and lowering inflammation!  You will also get cheat sheets to help make this super easy to implement!

Gina H.

"I loved being part of the Cycle Hacking Course, I learned so much about my cycle and myself throughout the program. The video lessons are loaded with information, but provided in a way that is not too overwhelming. You can tell Michelle truly cares and wants to help everyone understand their bodies, and live a healthier life. I would highly recommend this program."

Clarissa A.

“Michelle provides an overview of so many different topics, all of which play a part in achieving cycle and hormonal balance. She not only explains specific steps you should take, but she explains how it impacts your fertility and why it’s important. After taking this course I felt empowered with knowledge and information about my unique cycle and clear next steps."

Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Michelle

I am an acupuncturist, ayurvedic practitioner, and hypnotherapist who specializes in reproductive health. I host a podcast called "The Wholesome Fertility Podcast" where I discuss important topics regarding fertility health.

After getting tons of e-mails from women asking how to know if they're ovulating, how to lengthen their luteal phase, and even how to improve their egg quality, I decided to create a step-by-step course on how to optimize your menstrual cycle.

Since everyone has a unique healing formula for health, I have created a course that will break down every detail of the body's unique pattern according to Chinese Medicine.

I have personally been impacted by the benefits of Chinese Medicine as it has greatly improved my own reproductive symptoms...

I too struggled...

I suffered for over 13 years with irregular periods (three month cycles!), hormonal irregularities, periodic depression, anxiety, menstrual cramps, and severe PMS.  

I desperately searched for answers from the medical community, only to get sent home repeatedly with the birth control pill to "regulate my menstrual cycle symptoms".

When I finally found out that what I have can in fact be resolved (after hearing repeatedly that there is no true "cure"), I was blown away and eventually changed my career from architecture to Chinese Medicine.  

I am here to let you know that you can master your cycle and reproductive health!  You are not broken and your body is designed to self heal - as long as it is given the tools that it needs!

This is possible for you too.

You Can Take Back Your Power


Join The Wholesome Moon Online Program

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details.



Dive in and take action to improve your reproductive health!

Dive into the program and you'll find immediate action items. Can’t start right away? It's okay, you have lifetime access to the course.


Discover true "flow" in your reproductive health!

Your past does not define your future. You'll learn how to encourage the body to find its natural balance.  Remember, reproductive health is a reflection of overall health, which is something you can improve!


Are you ready to claim your power?

You can take your power back!  And despite what you may have been told, you can absolutely transform your body and mind.  Our bodies are extremely resilient and with the right tools, can overcome and resolve some of the most complex conditions!  


Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to learn the secret to hacking your cycle?

Pay in Full


  • Lifetime access to my signature fertility program bundled up into a 7 module online course!
  • Step by step instructions on how to unlock your own body's unique key to improve your chances of conceiving
  • Know what food and supplements are proven to help you get pregnant.
  • Become armed with mindset tools to not only impact your reproductive health, but also to empower you on your journey!
  • Bonus Fertility Yoga & Fertility Hypnosis Audios ($197 Value)
  • Bonus Recipes & Food Resources ($127 Value)
  • Bonus private FB Group Membership and support ($297 Value)

3 payments of


  • Lifetime access to my signature fertility program bundled up into a 7 module online course!
  • Step by step instructions on how to unlock your own body's unique key to improve your chances of conceiving
  • Know what food and supplements are proven to help you get pregnant.
  • Become armed with mindset tools to not only impact your reproductive health, but also to empower you on your journey!
  • Bonus Fertility Yoga & Fertility Hypnosis Audios ($197 Value)
  • Bonus Recipes & Food Resources ($127 Value)
  • Bonus private FB Group Membership and support ($297 Value)