Bridgit Dengel Gaspard, LCSW, is a former performer who stumbled upon Voice Dialogue, developed by the Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone. She discovered the healing power of embodying your different Inner Selves or Alter Egos and trained as a Master Facilitator, which inspired her to change her career and become a psychotherapist and coach. She graduated from Columbia University, founded the New York Voice Dialogue Institute, and has led workshops for Omega Institute, NY Open Center and many others. She wrote 'The Final 8th: Enlist Your Inner Selves To Accomplish Your Goals' so those struggling within sight of their finish line would be able to access their different Alter Egos to empower themselves and access the Alter Egos with the precise superpower they need. Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 8pm Eastern she offers a free Voice Dialogue Learning Lab Zoomshop so anyone can encounter this work for themselves and initiate their journey to reveal and release their hidden inner conflict that's blocking their fruition.
For more information about Michelle, visit
Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility
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